Sunday, May 15, 2011

Rest Days? May 14 and 15

Yesterday and today are scheduled rest days.  Yesterday we cleaned and repacked the Mother Ship for the final leg of our journey.  Not much real rest as a result.  My older brother Kurt commented how he didn't realize what all went into getting ready to leave.  Kurt lives in San Marin, CA with his wife Deanne and two daughters - Sienna and Sidney.  He has been a great help in planning our daily travels and creating booklets with turn by turn directions. 

Mom made her amazing fried chicken and some meatloaf for dinner.  The whole family was at my place for dinner.  We took the kids on a ride on the tandem and then watched Josh take the kids for a ride on his long board (a long skateboard.)

Today, I went to church, blogged, balanced the books, finished packing and chilled.

Tomorrow we will be at the Vibe by 6am to meet the news crew from Channel 5.  We will roll at 7am for a 66 mile trip to Aguila, AZ.  A short day for Shannon, Kyle and I but a good day for Kurt and Kerri to get their legs loose.  Keith Barr is going to continue riding with us as until we reach the California State Line.  Good Times.  I can't believe almost two years of planning, training and stressing is almost done.  I keep wondering, what is next.  I can't wait to see!

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